Friday, December 28, 2007

It's arrived

Last June I special ordered a new car, Mazda MX5 (Miata), 2008 Grand Touring with all the trimmings, including a power retractable hardtop. Yesterday morning the dealer called, my car was in and they’d have it ready after 3pm. By the time we got off work, and drove through the traffic to the other side of San Antonio, it was already almost 5. It took almost 2 hours to get the vehicle checked and the paperwork completed. Although it was cold (by SA standards), I put the top down, turned the heated seats on, and the heat full blast. I know I got lots of strange looks last night as I drove it home in the dark.
The photos were taken this afternoon (cloudy) so they don’t show the real “beauty” of this car. I haven’t stopped smiling yet!

Monday, December 24, 2007

24 Dec 2007

I know what I’m making everyone for next Christmas (yeah, I’m thinking ahead).
It’s mini sweater ornaments for the tree. I found them on this site. Can’t wait to try them.

Can't you just see the faces when I tell them in January that I'm making everyone a sweater for Christmas 2008. Maybe I'd better not say that, there are some co-workers who will expect me to knit them full size sweaters.

Anyway, it's Christmas eve here in Texas and I'm all alone. Tom's outside working on the car. Front turn signal not working and I'm concerned. Not concerned that it's out, I'm concerned that Tom's trying to fix it. The car may never be the same again.

I talked to Tommy earlier today. Told him that he's coming to visit in May and I have a list of things for him to do when he get's here. I want overhead lights with fan in the dinning room, kitchen and study. And you know I'm not going to ask Tom to do it. Tommy just laughted and said "anything you want, Mom". He's such a great kid (at 30+ he's not really a kid anymore).

Hope you all have a great holiday.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Old memories

Maybe because it's Christmas time, or maybe I just miss the kids.
While talking to Missy earlier today, I mentioned a photo taken in Iceland. Missy didn’t remember it, so after hanging up, I started searching through the old photos that I had scanned last year. I just spent the last few hours looking at old photos. I didn’t find the one I was looking for, but I found lots that brought back some memories. Anyway, I've added old photos to the flickr site. They show on the right in a slide show. My flickr photo link is under my "Really old" photo. Here's to old memories.

Good news....Bad news

So which do you want to hear first? Good news or Bad news?

Bad news: We didn’t win at the casino. Nothing-new there but we usually break close to even. Not this time! Good thing all the Christmas gifts were already paid for. Actually, we take a set amount of money and once that’s gone we’re finished. We did play 3 days so I guess I shouldn’t bitch (but I do it so well).

Good news: I did get lots of knitting done on the trip (over 700 miles round trip).

Bad news: I ripped it all out. Just didn't like the way it looked.

Good news: The Mazda dealer called and my Miata is in Dallas.

Good news: The Miata is scheduled to be shipped to San Antonio on 24 Dec.

Bad news: 24 Dec is Christmas Eve. Now who believes that they will really ship the car on Monday? Not me.

Good news: The dealer said that they expected to have the car ready for me to pick up by 27 Dec.
Yeah Right.

I’ll expect the Miata when I actually see it on the dealer’s lot.
So, hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Today a neighbor mentioned that she’s still Christmas shopping. I asked “isn’t Christmas over”? I mean I’ve given the family the gifts and the checks, so it’s over, right? I know, I know I’m being a Grinch! It’s hard to have the sprit when it’s almost 80 degrees and the kids are living over 1,000 miles away.

Last week this time, I was with Mom Christmas shopping and planning our trip to visit Trina and family in Tennessee. Now I’m home again, and feeling a little blue.

I did knit gifts, mostly hats. I also made some “wine bottle lights”. Cindy got a wine bottle with a chicken on it. Rowland got red peppers. Mom got one with ribbons and bows. I even did one for Billy, but unless he goes to Moms for Christmas, he doesn’t get it. They were fun to make. Just take an empty wine bottle (Tom got to drink the wine). Put a string of lights (20 or 30 lights work best) in the bottle, and then decorate. It was fun to make and the family seemed to like them.

Tonight Tom got the camper from storage and we loaded it. Tomorrow we are leaving for 4 days/nights in Louisiana. We have reservations at the casino RV park. We’ll be back late Saturday. We’ll have Internet access, but not sure if I’ll have time to update the blog. It might interfere with my slot time.

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Back

I’m back but not for long.

I spent the last 10 days on the road. Oh the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen. I flew into Richmond, VA on the 8th. For the next 3 days, Mom and I did Christmas Shopping and visiting family and friends. Of course I took lots of photos and tried out my new camera lens. I could zoom into the trees from the yard. Even though it’s December, the colors were still bright orange and red.

On the 11th we drove up to Kingsport Tennessee to visit Trina. I drove Dad’s jeep. I was a little worried but the jeep ran great. We did some more shopping. Trina and Tony coach a girl’s basketball team and Meghan helps. If you look carefully, you see Meghan’s “Friend” Matt.

We got back to West Point on the 15th and I flew back to San Antonio today. Although I really enjoyed the trip, I’m glad to be home.
Check out the photos on my flickr albums.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Missing me?

I'm leaving on a jet plane (sounds like a song to me). Anyway I'm leaving San Antonio for Richmond, Virginia tomorrow morning at 6am. Mom's going to pick me up at the airport. We've got lots of plans. If the weather holds we are going to drive to Kingsport, TN to see Trina and family.
I won't have access to the internet so they'll be no updates for at least 10 days.
PS I've finished all the knitting I'm going to do.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

But Santa, she lied

Last weekend Cathy S and I went on another “craft show” trip. This time we traveled about an hour away to Borne Texas. It was well worth the trip. The show was advertised as all hand made and it was. I could have spent hours and hours going through the 3 barns filled with great hand crafted items.

But I digress, back to the title subject. Anyway, while shopping we ran into Santa and Mrs. Claus as we were entering the second building. When asked what I wanted for Christmas, I answered “a new car”. Now here’s where my best friend in the world blows my chance of getting the car this year. Cathy turned to Santa and said, “No car for her, she’s been bad”. That from a friend! Santa just shook his head and told me to ask for something a little cheaper. Guess I’ll stop hoping for the car to arrive for Christmas. We had another laugh when we found the "ladies room" [I intended to put a photo here, but for some reason I can't find the camera, did Santa come take my birthday gift back?] Does this seem funny to you?

I’ve finished most of my holiday knitting and it’s a good thing too. I leave for Virginia Saturday. Flight leaves at 6am, which means that I have to be at the airport by 430am. Who scheduled that flight? Oh, I did because you can’t get to Richmond from San Antonio unless you take the really red eye flight.
Guess it might be a good idea to get the suitcase out and consider packing.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A gift for Mom

Since I know that my Mother doesn't have internet access, I can show one of her presents here.

Listen my children and you shall hear
About something that happened back many a year
Once I was young girl that did something bad
I broke a glass carriage while roughhousing with Dad.

This carriage of glass
Was a thing of beauty and class
It was mom’s pride and joy
It was I that broke it, not one of the boys

But Dad was there to take the blame
He stepped up and hung his head in shame
It was me not Dad that caused the glass to break
And for many a year my heart did break

For years and years I’ve looked and looked
I checked the stores, the internet and books
But never did I ever see
A carriage pretty enough to give to Mommy

This past week at craft show what did I see
A wagon and driver as pretty as can be
It’s not a carriage with all that class
But it’s a pretty wagon made of blown glass

Somehow I will hand carry this on a plane
And stand up and take my share of the blame
So Dad it your watching as I fly home again

Just keep me from dropping this darn thing

Is there anyone out there?

Sometimes I think I'm writing to myself. Is there anyone reading this? Please leave a message just to show you dropped by. Come on make my Christmas.

Tom wanted his photo taken

Not sure why, but Tom wanted his photo taken with the flowering plant outside. So I took his photo.

Mom, Trina and Missy all got their packages. Only Trina was allowed to open hers. Her package only included a few of the Christmas gifts. The rest of the gifts were sent to Mom and I'll take them up to Trina when Mom and I drive up from Virginia. Yep, I'm flying to Virginia then driving to Tennessee. Me? I hate to fly and like driving even less. I must be losing my mind. It's the Christmas fever. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
I'm still knitting for Christmas. And I forgot to take photos of the sweaters I sent to the girls. Now I know I'm losing my mind.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

I mailed 3 of the Christmas packages yesterday. Because I just haven't gotten in the "spirit" this year, I didn't wrap anything. I told Missy just to put the box under the tree and she could figure out who gets what. I sent most of the family stuff to Mom's. Since I'll be there in just over a week, figured I'd open the box and sort it out. I couldn't get everything in her box, so I sent a small box to Trina.

I just seem to have problems getting into Christmas this year. Not sure what's wrong, but I have even lost the knitting bug. I hope I get it back again fast. I still have things I need to do. Oh well, I can always put it off and make it "new year" gifts.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

30 days..and counting

I started my Christmas knitting and buying back in Sept. You'd think that by now I'd be finished. No such luck. I always seem to be pushing it right to the last day. This year is no different.. Oh yes it is. I only have until 7 Dec to get it all together. I'm flying to Virginia to visit my Mom and then driving to Tenn to see daughter, Trina. So that means I have to get it together FAST. Not only do I have to finish knitting, I have to get it in the Mail. And do you think my husband will help? Why should he start this year? In the past 30 years I've only known him to buy a handful of gifts (mostly for me). And he's only mailed a gift once. I knit, purchase, pack and mail the gifts, including the ones for his mother. Not sure I'll make it this time. Oh well, maybe the kids will enjoy their "new year gifts".

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We're Back

We spent Thursday and Friday at the casino. Tom and I had Thanksgiving dinner with one of his co-workers and her husband at the casino. Not only did the casino comp the room, but also the food. We didn't pay anything except our "slot" money. We played for two days and came away with $500 more than we had when we got to the casino. WOW! Have I got a use for that money, you know it's almost Christmas.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

No cooking for me. We are going to Louisanna and play slots. Hope you have a great day and don't eat too much.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Craft show photos

Well, I survived yesterday. Man, my feel hurt. We must have walked miles and miles. As usual, Cath and I had a great time. We shopped, laughed and walked for hours. I got a lot of gifts for the grandkids. We shopped so much that we had to take the first load to the car and go back for more. What a fun day!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A best friend will
Walk miles and miles at a craft show
Wait and wait for you to find just the right gift
And still smile at your crazy choice.

Living in Texas so far away from my family and old friends has taught me something. Good friends are hard to find. I have had lots of friends in my life. After all we’ve lived in Spain, England, Wales, Iceland, Cuba, and stateside Virginia and Georgia. That’s a lot of territory. So I’ve had friends, but good friends are those you can call in the middle of the night when you car breaks down (not that it’s ever happened to me).

Best friends not only will come get you, they’ll stand by you in the rain and wait. Best friends will go to yarn shops, homemade gift shops, walk miles in craft shows just so you can find the right gift for your mother in law.

I’m so lucky. When I came back to Texas in 2002, I went to work in an office with a great bunch of people. One person stood out as the most friendly, the happiest and kindest person I’d ever met. Cath made me feel a member of the office right away. We soon picked up a friendship that is hard to explain.

Cath stood by me while I cried about my Dad’s illness. She’s the one that made me take weeks off work to fly back to Virginia 3 times in 6 months to visit Dad. I was able to be there for Mom when she needed me because Cath made sure I went when I needed to. Not sure if I would have had the strength to do it, if Cath hadn’t been on the other end of the phone to comfort me and remind me that Mom needed me to be strong.

Today Cath and I are going SHOPPING, not just any shopping. We are going to a HUGE craft show. For the last 3 years we’ve gone and shopped till we dropped. There are all likes of stuff there. I’m taking my camera so plan on photos in the next blog.

Wish the Cath/Kathy’s a great shopping/hunting trip. More to come

Yarn, Yarn and more Yarn

Recently I was asked by a new knitter “what’s the difference in Yarn and are there some brands better than others? That got me thinking, I know gasp, thinking what a concept. So I took a look in my stash. Well, I had to work my way into the room; it meant I had to pick up the sock yarn basket, the heavy cotton bag stuffed with natural cotton yarn of course. I realized that my stash consist of many different types of yarn. It really depends on what I’m making. In my case I have lots and lots of left over yarn cause I always over buy. Hey, what if I run out and can’t get the dye lot? I have baby yarn (mostly English Snuggly as I love the way it feels). I have some sock yarn (I got on a sock kick awhile back). Did you catch that sock/kick? Ok so not much of a joke, but I tried. When I pick out yarn, it depends on who I’m making the item for. Example, a sweater for a football preteen boy living in the mountains will be different yarn than that for his cousin living in Florida.
I looked through my stuff and realized I had lots and lots of bits and pieces of yarn. You know, half a skein of a dozen different weight blues and I still don’t know where all the green worsted weight came from. Trina hates green, so it couldn’t have been for her. Could it?
Then there’s the lace yarn I got from the kids for my birthday. It’s beautiful and so very soft. I’ve knitted myself a shawl, my mother in law a shawl and I still have half of it left. I’m saving it for something special, but just haven’t picked out the right thing yet.
Then there’s the knitting machine yarn. Did you know that stuff breeds when you put it in a closet? I know there’s no way I could have 26 cones of yarn. Yes, I did buy some last year for Christmas stockings. But I knitted over 2 dozen socks and who knows how many scarf’s out of the yarn and there seems to be just as much left as there was when I started. How does that happen?
Thinking about all this yarn has made me want to go to the yarn shop. Anyone see a pattern here? Talk yarn, want yarn, buy yarn….

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hats, hats and more hats

Working a full time job interferes with my knitting. Last Sunday I spent the morning designing a machine knitted hat. I worked on both my Brother 970 and 260. Using the standard gage machine I got a baby hat and on the large machine I got an adult hat, using the same pattern. For me this was fun. Some of these will be for family and friends, others will go to the homeless shelter in town.

Knitting makes me feel better. Well, except when I totally screw up the knitting machine by bending a needle. The machine doesn’t like it if you force it to work over a bent needle. Of course in my usual impatient way, I pulled the machine and broke the yarn. Not to mention I bent 2 needles so badly that I couldn’t get them out of the machine. I just walked away and asked Tom for help. OH yeah, that was smart. Mr. “Mad scientist” was working on his pool chemicals and could leave that to help. So I just went and got his tools (screwdriver, pliers and needle nose pliers). Hey, I didn’t use duck tape!

After a few minutes with the needle nose pliers, I got the knitting needle straightened out and was able to pull it from the bed. Another minute and new needles were in and I was ready to go back to knitting. About 15 minutes later, Tom walks in and asked what was wrong with my knitting machine. When he saw the screwdriver, and pliers, he looked worried, as these knitting machines are not cheap. No problem I fixed it. He just took his tools back and left me alone with my knitting.

I managed to design and knit 5 hats in 4 hours. Not bad for someone that hasn’t used the knitting machine in months.
Before bedtime I also got in some hand knitting. Can’t tell, it’s a Christmas gift.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Grandkids are "Grand"

Danielle........... Aurora .......... Jack

Well, my last update seems to have gotten noticed.
Middle child uploaded photos for me. The grandkids are all growing up so fast. Not sure what I'd do without the internet to keep in touch. Missy's kids seem to have enjoyed "trick or treating".

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Well Holloween is over so It's almost Thanksgiving?

Here's the most recent photo of Davey. He is growing up so fast.
Meghan's holloween dress up. At 16 she's still my angel.

Ok, so where are the other three grandkids photos? Missy is grounded cause she hasn't uploaded photos. It's become a game. She doesn't send photos, so I call Aurora and Danielle. They ground their Mom until she gets photos to Oma. Even grounding didn't get me photos today.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You might be a redneck?

You might be a redneck if your wife fixes the torn, worn drivers seat in your 2500 Diesel pickup with fabric glue and a patch.
Yep, Tom’s a redneck. Last week he said that his seat cover was coming apart would I look at it? Why he asked me I’ll never understand. So I walked out and check his seat (the car, not his bottom). It was worn on the left side of the driver seat, next to the door. My suggestion to him was to get a seat cover. He’s remark “can’t you fix it?”.
Thinking I’ll teach him a lesson, fix it I did. Fabric glue, blanket ribbon and black nylon thread did the trick. When I finished, Tom took one look and said “guess I’d better order seat covers”. Gee, isn’t that what I said? My remark “I could have used duck tape”.
This just proves that men who drive big trucks should not ask wife to fix the seat cover, unless they want to be called a “redneck”.
On the knitting front:
I finished the socks and started a baby sweater set for a co-worker's new grandson. Photos to follow.

Friday, October 26, 2007

There be sock knitting here!

Recently I’ve been knitting socks. I’m still a beginner sock knitter, but it’s getting easier. Knitting with 5 needles is a challenge for me. For years I’ve put off socks, mittens and gloves because of double pointed needle fear. Yeah, I know I’m a lazy knitter. I love to knit baby things because I like instant gratification. Baby things can be knitted quickly; sometimes I can knit a sweater and hat in a day. Since I’ve been teaching the “girls” at work, I figured I needed to stay ahead of them. Hence the more challenging knitting. I’ve knitted a pair of gloves (small size of course). I’m on my 3rd pair of socks. Also I’ve knitted some lace.

Family stuff:
Saturday will be "MM's"(my oldest granddaughter) birthday. It’s hard to believe that she’ll be 16. Because she lives in Tennessee and we’re in Texas, we don’t see her as often as we’d like. Luckily, her mother (my oldest daughter “KA”) takes lots of photos. We’ve watched “MM” and her brother “DW” grow up. What would I do without the Internet?
Happy Birthday, “MM”, hope you like your present. We love you, Oma & Opa.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today I was a student

Today I spent learning new things about knitting at one of the local yarn shops (by local I mean within 30 miles). I took two classes from Annie Modesitt. She’s an author and knit designer. I have some of her books, so when the opportunity arose to take a class, I jumped on it. I think the first class started out a little slow and that worried Annie. She was concerned that we weren’t enjoying the class. The class was a little more quiet than most knitting groups. I was trying to keep my mouth shut, as you know I’m a real “talker”. Once Annie got going, the class picked up quickly. I learned a lot new things. One I’m a combination knitter and that’s not the most common type of knitting. Also I now know how to knit cables without a cable needle. It’s not as hard as I expected.

The second class was learning to knit the Universal Mitered Hand Bag. That’s something I’ve never done before. The class was a real learning experience and Annie Modesitt is a very interesting person. She really knows her stuff (knitting I mean).

I really enjoyed her class, much more that I enjoyed the ride home. I got whiplash after leaving the Yarn shop. I was just driving along in the right lane of a 4-lane road. Doing the speed limit. When all of a sudden the truck in the left lane put his left turn signal on and came to a stop. I figured he was stopping because he was going to turn. Wrong answer. There where two adults just walking slowly across the 4 lanes. I couldn’t see them because of the truck, until they stepped in front of my car. Going from 45 mph to stop was a real jerking experience. The car behind me had to slam on the breaks too. He ended up having to pull on to the right edge shoulder beside me. The guy crossing the road, hearing the squealing tires just turned and looked as if to say, “how’d you get there”. He was so close to my car, I could tell he had brown eyes. Guess this couple was lucky that my car has such good breaks.

At least when I got home I didn’t have to cook. Tom had picked up a pizza. YEAH Tom. But my neck hurts!
Photos of my knitting tomorrow, if my neck gets better.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Painting and Knitting

Oh well, let’s see, what do I talk about first? I know. Let’s talk about men and painting. Now I’m not talking about pictures of flowers or landscapes. I’m talking about “real man” painting rooms. We’ve lived in this house over 5 years. When we looked at this house I said, but it’s all beige. I hate beige. That’s when my husband “T” said, no problem, it can always be painted. Remember those words!

The first year, I got him to paint below the chair rail in the dining room. That’s all just 3 half walls. It looked great. Two years (that’s right 2 years) later I got him to paint the kitchen and even used 2 colors. He did a great job, even my mom approved. Now it’s 2 years later and I want to paint the rest of the beige out. Over a year ago I got the paint chips for the laundry room. I used a painting (the real kind) that middle daughter “M” did for us a few years ago. It’s a beach scene and I just love it. I wanted it hanging in the laundry room because it’s such a sunny picture and reminds me of the beach where “M” lives. If I have to spend so much time doing laundry, it might as well remind me of a happy place. I've been after him for months to get the room painted.

Well, yesterday he picked up the paint and started the job. 3 walls coconut yellow and 1 wall a very light aqua blue. Now this room is very small, just room for front-loading washer and dryer, a laundry basket and walkway to the garage. Not a very large room. “T” spent all day yesterday painting, of course he had to move the washer and dryer out and paint behind them. Did I mention DH is a perfectionist? He’s been back in there already this morning putting on a second coat. He’s not satisfied. Claims that the paints too thin and it doesn’t go on in one coat. It’s not cheap paint and he’s used this brand before. The room was Beige, Beige and Beige, now it’s Coconut cream on 3 walls and ceiling. Soon one wall be aqua blue.
Now he’s saying he might have to repaint the room again to make it right. It looks great to me, so much better than the “Ugly” beige. And he hasn’t even got to the aqua wall yet. It is the smallest wall and there’s nothing in the way. Sure hope that goes better. At this rate, I may never get the living room and bedrooms painted. I’m sure there will be more to come.

On the knitting front:
I’m working on another pair of socks. The pattern is one that I’ve never used and I’m using Colourways Jitterbug yarn. The yarn is BEAUTIFUL and so nice to work with, but since this is only my 3rd attempt to hand knit socks, I’m not sure about it. I’m knitting the smallest adult size but the foot looks awful small. I’m at the end of the toe and need to graft the two pieces together, and I’m at a bit of a lost. I’ll keep you updated.
That's all for now. kd

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm a teacher?

For the past few months I've been giving knitting lessons during my lunch hour at work. My co-workers always want to buy my work (usually I just give it away). I offered to show them how. Two of the "girls" took me up on the offer. MV is left-handed and it was interesting teaching her, but she's caught on quickly. I am very impressed. She’s already knitted scarves, hats, a baby sweater, a woman’s vest, an adult sweater and she’s now working on a lace shawl. This week another of my co-workers, SM has moved from knitting dishcloths to a baby sweater. She's only been knitting a few weeks.

One thing I’ve discovered is that I like sharing my knowledge and that’s made me want to learn more. So, I’m going to take two classes with Annie Modesitt, of Modeknit/Knitting Heretic. She’s teaching in San Antonio on 20 October. I had my husband “T” take me to Yarnivore in SA to sign up. I’ve been knitting for over 30 years (off and on) but I’ve never taken a class. Guess it’s about time. I’m so excited.

On the knitting front, I have been knitting. So far this month, I’ve finished two baby sweaters and two pair of socks (my first attempts). Also I’ve got the front, sleeves, and part of the back of a lace sweater. This might be a Christmas present, or I just might keep it for myself. I have already knitted two sweaters. I’m not going to say who (or is that whom) they are for as my daughters, MJ and KA read this blog.

That’s all for tonight, Keep on knitting.

Monday, October 8, 2007

New to this Blog thing

For the past few months I've been reading other knitters blogs. Thought it was about time I joined the club. I've been knitting for about 20 years, but wouldn't call myself an experienced knitter. I love knitting small children's items because I want instant gratification.
I’m learning as I go… so don’t ping me on the mistakes… Please. Here's a link to my photos.
note: yes that is a hand knit sweater I have on. It was originally knitted for one of my daughters but it's all mine now.

test 2
