Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh my aching back

I forgot how much work just getting ready to move can be. Thursday we took the rugs up, moved the furniture in the family room. The kitchen really didn’t need much except cleaning the cabinets and putting stuff away. The dining room was the easiest, just had to shine the hardwood floors. The master bedroom just needed the windows cleaned and dusting. The guest bed room was easiest, just put a different quilt on the bed.
On Friday we had already scheduled to have a few cracked tiles replaced in the master bed room. The company did a great job, quick and they cleaned up when the finished. Tom spent most of the day doing the yard. I went to work.
Today we started on the garage. We took a pick up load of junk to the dump and we aren’t finished. Who knows what we’ll find in the attic. And I don’t even want to think about the craft/storage room or the study. Did I tell you how much my back hurts?
They did show the house yesterday. The real estate agent was nice and we may sign with her, but the guy looking at the house didn’t seem like a serious buyer. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
So far, our plans are to get rid of as much “stuff” as possible, get the study cleaned up, go through the craft room and turn it back into a bed room. Next week, Tom will talk to the real estate agent and probably put the house on the market. We can’t really do a lot of planning until Tom gets orders. I have to renew my passport and that can’t be started until we get the orders.
OH well, back to work. Tom is up from his power nap and wants to go back to cleaning the garage. Not me, I’m going to go through the paper stash in the study.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We're moving?

I expected it, but not this soon! Tom accepted a job in Germany. So it looks like we are on the move again. Not bad, we've been here over 6 years. Longest we've lived in one place EVER.

We contacted a real estate agent and she's showing the house on Friday... yes this Friday. It's not even listed yet.
So much to do and so little time. Exact date for moving is still being worked out, but it looks like we'll be spending the new year in Germany.

By the way, we did knit today.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The bag is finished

Ok, that can be taken 2 ways... But I did finish the hand bag. After sewing it all together, I threw it in the washer (hot water). Boy did it ever felt. It is a lot smaller than it was before felting. I love it.