Saturday, January 19, 2008

Someone Help Me!

My Left Over Yarn Sweater is to SMALL!!!!!! For the first time in months I actually knit something for myself, and I get the gauge wrong... UGH.

Friday, January 18, 2008

And we knit along

One of the co-workers I've been teaching to knit sent me these photos. She knitted a scarf for one of her pets, Katy. Isn't she a beauty. I mean the dog, but the scarf's great too.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Wed so it must be knit class time

We had another knit class at work. I'm really impressed with the dedication they are putting into learning to knit. Some are still having a little trouble with the needles but they are working hard. Today I showed them the purl stitch. Some loved it, some weren't so sure about this backward knit stitch. The hour just seemed to rush along. Before we knew it, time was up and we had to go back to our desk and work.
I'm not sure how our supervisor feels about us taking over part of the office to knit, but so far she's been very tolerant.

It rained in Texas?

For months and months (at least it seems that long) we've had no rain. Of course with the rain comes the accidents. Drivers in SA just don't know how to drive in the rain. Because we don't get much rain, when we do the oils on the road rise up causing the roads to be slick. My poor little Miata got wet. I was a little worried about driving on the "slick" roads. Didn't need to worry, it drove great. Even in cold wet weather, the Miata's a fun car.

Now on to some knitting content. I've been working along on my sweater. I call it the Left Over Yarn Sweater or LOYS for short. So far LOYS has been an easy knit. I can watch TV and knit the pattern as it's only a two row pattern. It's knitted in the round until under the arms, then you split it for the front and the back. I've finished the back and have started working on the top front. Next will be the sleeves, and for some reason I always hate doing sleeves. Maybe I should have knitted them first?

Today at lunch I gave a new student a beginning lesson on knitting. She caught on fast and even held her needles with ease. Tomorrow is the next "real" class. We have a total of 6 new knitters and 2 co-workers I taught last year. We'll have a full house. Should be interesting as our office has moved and we really don't have a lot of room. Not to mention that we are no longer in a private area. But at least they all seem to be getting the knitting bug. We'll see who shows up for tomorrow's class.