Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow trip or In search of a new Itouch

Let me tell you a story. It’s not about knitting.. well maybe a little. When Tom gave me the Itouch for Christmas 2008 (32g), he inherited my old ipod classic. Recently he’s said he wished the ipod had video. I’ve repeatedly told him to go buy one. Of course, being Tom (does the word tight mean anything to you), he wouldn’t just go out and buy one. So I just made a command decision, told him I was buying myself a new Itouch with 64g. I keep videos (knitting), audio books (some knitting, but mostly J.D. Robb) and I download podcasts (mostly knitting), so I could really use the extra memory.
MORE PHOTOS ON FLICKR The photos were taken from a moving car.  Tom wouldn't stop.

Tom said that he had seen them at the hospital shoppette, but they only had 2 and probably were gone by now. So off we went this morning to the Base Exchange. You’d think the “biggest exchange mall” in the military would have Itouch and Ipods. They didn’t have any. The reason given, they just had inventory so they hadn’t ordered any. So what’s with that?? The clerk wasn’t very helpful, but did say that the shoppette across the street had them. So off we went back in the snow and ice to the base shoppette.

And when we get there… No they don’t have any, same reason. Inventory. Tom asked if they had the phone number for the hospital shoppette. This clerk was very helpful. He got the phone number for us. Tom called and they still had the Itouch 64g. So off we went again, back into the ice and snow.

We got to the shoppette just as they opened. I got my new Itouch 64 and was ready to go home and load it up. Tom had other ideas.

He made me go to the commissary. You know I hate to go to the commissary. It’s always crowded and full of kids running around. But to be nice, I went grocery shopping. When we got home we had to unload and put away the stuff. Where were our kids when you need them? I hate putting away the stuff almost as much as I hate going to buy it.

So after all this, I did get to work on my new Itouch. While I loaded up my new one, Tom cleared out the old one so he could put his stuff on it.

Does it seem strange, that Tom did not want to spend the $$$ for an Itouch for himself, but had no problem with me upgrading and giving him my old one. Men!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Knitting and driving?

No, I haven't tried knitting while I drive, but I have knitted while Tom drove.  So does that count?  Anyway, it’s snowing AGAIN! No one warned me about all the snow in Germany. Locals say this has been the snowiest winter they can remember. Yep, just my luck. The miata and I have discovered that snow tires don’t make much of a difference on a light front wheel drive car. Not that I’ve had any real problems, just some slipping and sliding but no accidents (thank goodness). Because of this, Tom spent the last few weeks “researching” 4wheel drive vehicles. The internet was hot with Tom checking, Consumer’s Report, Car blogs and web sites all over the world. In actuality, Tom’s got new car fever.

We considered 4 SUV vehicles:

BMW X1: Pros: It’s a BMW. The one I saw was drop dead gorgeous. It was love at first site. Cons: It’s a BMW and very expensive to repair after the warranty (as we know with Tom’s 330i). Also it’s very expensive to buy. Another con, it’s not available yet in US spects. The earliest it will be release in US is 12 to 18 months. Darn!

Volvo: Pros: It’s a Volvo and one of the safest vehicles on the road today. They are making great deals on 2010 Volvo SUVs. Cons: Expensive to repair after the warranty, it’s boxy, and every other vehicle in the parking lot at work is the same Volvo SUV in the same color.

VW Tijuan SUV: Pro: high reliability ratings, high owner satisfaction, interior designed by Audi. Stylish exterior. Cons: expensive (not as expensive as the BMW, but more than the Volvo). Special orders take about 90 days.

Rav 4: Pros: high reliability ratings, inexpensive compared to the other SUVs. Cons: No special orders, you have to take what’s on the lot (no upgrades), very plastic looking interior. Also everywhere you look, there’s a Rav 4 being driving by Americans. Even my Mother drives one.

So which one did we decide on….. The VW Tijuan, it’s on order with expected deliver date mid April. Of course I had to have all the bells and whistles. Color: White Gold.

Funny thing is, Tom keeps saying it’s my winter vehicle (as I’m keeping the Miata for summer) but he is already talking about when he’ll drive it.

So back to knitting: I’ve been working on various projects lately. The photos are of an afghan I’m working on. I love the colors, very bright. I’ve completed about half the squares and should finish the rest within a few days (especially if the snow keeps up). I’ve also got projects waiting in the wings to start. There’s a sweater pattern and yarn for Trina’s Christmas sweater (2010, not 2009). Trina expects a sweater every year. Wonder how many she has… One for every Christmas for the past 20 years and a few sweaters through in during the year, wow that makes for a lot of sweaters. Trina said she never gets rid of the sweaters; she wears them and so does Meghan.

Guess I’d better get back to knitting.