Friday, August 3, 2012

Crochet fan chains

They finely notified us that the storage shipment from Texas was scheduled to be in JAX yesterday.  We  still don't know when they will deliver it.  It's already a week late, so why would they worry.  I can't wait until I'm asked to write comments on delivery company.  
But on the other hand, my youngest granddaughter (A) asked me to teach her to crochet.  While I prefer to knit, I can crochet faster.  I have some crochet hooks and bought some books for A.  She's a quick study. 
As most of you know I just moved into a new home.  I was lucky the previous owners put ceiling fans in all the rooms.  Not so lucky for me, is the fan chains are way too short for me to change the fan speed or turn on/off the lights.  I got tired of getting the step ladder and I didn't feel like going out to get extension chains from the hardware store.  So I crocheted them. 

Monday, July 30, 2012


Just found out that my storage shipment won't be delivered this week.  This is the stuff we stored in San Antonio.  The company had over 3 months notice. We had requested the deliver date as 17 July, the company changed the date to 30 July. This was the REQUIRED delivery date.  Seems that the company doesn't need the government business.  My stuff hasn't even arrived in JAX.  What's worse, is I had Tommy take out the washer and dryer out of this house so there was room for my front loaders that were in storage.  I'm now going to have to ask Tommy to put them back in the house. 

Thanks a bunch Coleman American Moving.