Friday, October 26, 2007

There be sock knitting here!

Recently I’ve been knitting socks. I’m still a beginner sock knitter, but it’s getting easier. Knitting with 5 needles is a challenge for me. For years I’ve put off socks, mittens and gloves because of double pointed needle fear. Yeah, I know I’m a lazy knitter. I love to knit baby things because I like instant gratification. Baby things can be knitted quickly; sometimes I can knit a sweater and hat in a day. Since I’ve been teaching the “girls” at work, I figured I needed to stay ahead of them. Hence the more challenging knitting. I’ve knitted a pair of gloves (small size of course). I’m on my 3rd pair of socks. Also I’ve knitted some lace.

Family stuff:
Saturday will be "MM's"(my oldest granddaughter) birthday. It’s hard to believe that she’ll be 16. Because she lives in Tennessee and we’re in Texas, we don’t see her as often as we’d like. Luckily, her mother (my oldest daughter “KA”) takes lots of photos. We’ve watched “MM” and her brother “DW” grow up. What would I do without the Internet?
Happy Birthday, “MM”, hope you like your present. We love you, Oma & Opa.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today I was a student

Today I spent learning new things about knitting at one of the local yarn shops (by local I mean within 30 miles). I took two classes from Annie Modesitt. She’s an author and knit designer. I have some of her books, so when the opportunity arose to take a class, I jumped on it. I think the first class started out a little slow and that worried Annie. She was concerned that we weren’t enjoying the class. The class was a little more quiet than most knitting groups. I was trying to keep my mouth shut, as you know I’m a real “talker”. Once Annie got going, the class picked up quickly. I learned a lot new things. One I’m a combination knitter and that’s not the most common type of knitting. Also I now know how to knit cables without a cable needle. It’s not as hard as I expected.

The second class was learning to knit the Universal Mitered Hand Bag. That’s something I’ve never done before. The class was a real learning experience and Annie Modesitt is a very interesting person. She really knows her stuff (knitting I mean).

I really enjoyed her class, much more that I enjoyed the ride home. I got whiplash after leaving the Yarn shop. I was just driving along in the right lane of a 4-lane road. Doing the speed limit. When all of a sudden the truck in the left lane put his left turn signal on and came to a stop. I figured he was stopping because he was going to turn. Wrong answer. There where two adults just walking slowly across the 4 lanes. I couldn’t see them because of the truck, until they stepped in front of my car. Going from 45 mph to stop was a real jerking experience. The car behind me had to slam on the breaks too. He ended up having to pull on to the right edge shoulder beside me. The guy crossing the road, hearing the squealing tires just turned and looked as if to say, “how’d you get there”. He was so close to my car, I could tell he had brown eyes. Guess this couple was lucky that my car has such good breaks.

At least when I got home I didn’t have to cook. Tom had picked up a pizza. YEAH Tom. But my neck hurts!
Photos of my knitting tomorrow, if my neck gets better.