Friday, August 8, 2008

Missy's not grounded

Missy uploaded photos for me today so she's "ungrounded". Her kids love it when I ground their mom for not sending me photos. Missy and her family just returned from a vacation in Wyoming. She took over 400 photos and what beautiful photos they are too. The kids sure look like they had a great time. Enjoy the photos. Check out her flickr photos if you get a chance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

If you noticed?

Did you notice that I deleted the last few blog entries? I decided not to put the diary entries on the internet. Some day, I'll write a book and will need the diary as plot material. I know, I'm dreaming again.
I have been knitting. I finished a hat for my brother's granddaughter and a sweater and hat for Tom's brothers 1st grandchild (due in Oct and it's a boy). I won't put the photo of the baby sweater yet as I want it to be a suprise for Kandis.
I'm still working on the socks, I'm almost up to the toe decrease.

Also Trina is no longer grounded as she posted some photos on her flickr account for me to see. That's Davey during his game. He sacked the quarterback later in the game. Good going boy!

This is Meghan and the little girl she babysits for.

But so far, Missy's still grounded.