I've been working on my cable and twist sweater and realized that I didn't have enough yarn to finish the sleeves. Called Yarn Barn KS and they are shipping be another hank of yarn. So my progress on the sweater has come to a halt.
We still have the house on the market, but so far not much action. There have been a few showings, but either they don't want a pool, or they want a bigger yard. It's only been on the market 2 weeks, but Tom's already beginning to panic. He does that so well. I'm not really worried. If it doesn't sell by the time Tom has to leave for Germany, then I'll stay till the house sells. UGH, not something I really want to do, but I'll do it.
With all the uncertainty on the house, Tom couldn't make up his mind on whether to take a road trip to Virginia or not. He's really concerned about leaving the house empty, so I'm flying to Virginia on my own. I really need to see Mom. While I'm there, I hope to see the rest of my family and maybe even get to see Tom's sisters.
I've finished my Christmas shopping. I cheated. The kids/grandkids got some hand knitted gifts and some small things, but I sent them checks. Missy's going to buy the kids zoo passes (they love the Jax Zoo). Trina will use the money as she see's fit. Who knows what Tommy will do with his money, probally use it to buy more computer games.
Until next time, keep on knitting.