Saturday, November 24, 2007

We're Back

We spent Thursday and Friday at the casino. Tom and I had Thanksgiving dinner with one of his co-workers and her husband at the casino. Not only did the casino comp the room, but also the food. We didn't pay anything except our "slot" money. We played for two days and came away with $500 more than we had when we got to the casino. WOW! Have I got a use for that money, you know it's almost Christmas.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

No cooking for me. We are going to Louisanna and play slots. Hope you have a great day and don't eat too much.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Craft show photos

Well, I survived yesterday. Man, my feel hurt. We must have walked miles and miles. As usual, Cath and I had a great time. We shopped, laughed and walked for hours. I got a lot of gifts for the grandkids. We shopped so much that we had to take the first load to the car and go back for more. What a fun day!