Friday, February 27, 2009

Their moving and they are taking the cat.

Just when I finely get a photo of the cat on the roof, I notice a lot of movement in the apartment across the street. They were moving out. I watched the cat, watch them. That’s probably why I was able to take photos of the cat walking on the roof. The cat was too interested in what they were doing in the apartment.
With the cat gone, what on earth will I watch out the window?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I got yarn

Tom called a little while ago and asked me to go to the German bank and get some money to pay the landlord. Seems he had forgotten. Being the nice wife that I am, I agreed. On the way there I passed by a store with YARN on sale. It's not a yarn store, it looks more like CVS or Walgreens, but it had yarn. So, I got Toms money and a little for me.

I can't read the package, but I don't care. I can work up the gauge and figure it all out.

YEAH! I got yarn.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still bored in Landstuhl

Once again I’m bored. No job, and the house in Texas is still on the market.
On the other hand, there’s a great view from our temp apartment patio. It’s the impressive castle ruin Burg Nanstein. We haven’t been able to drive up there yet so the photos were taken with my telephoto lens. Tom has offered to let me have the rental car so I can drive around, but I'm just not confortable driving in Germany yet.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Because I'm so bored, I spend a lot of time looking out the windows of the apartment, mostly watching the traffic 4 floors below, but recently I've taken to watching the cat in the apartment across the street. The owners open the window and the cat walks out the window, onto the roof and walks all over the tops of the buildings. Every time I try to get a photo, that cat disappears. I swear it's magic! So for the past few days I've kept the camera by the window, just in case. I wanted to get a photo the cat walking on the roof.

That cat is smart. It just stood in the window watching me. I swear it's true, that cat watches me watch him/her. I did get a photo of the cat in the window. Look closely at the windown in the middle of the photo. Ever since I read the "cat who" books, I've wondered if there really were smart cats. This one proves that cats are smarter that we give them credit for. And every time I see the cat, it's watching me. This cat even looks intelligent. Her/His eyes follow you from window to window.

Even Tom is amazed at this cat and he’s not a cat lover. He even mentioned that we might get a cat if we could get one that smart.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our rental car is...

Photos from our front window.
We picked up our Germany driving license Friday morning. Tom picked up the rental car in the evening. Since we not used to driving here, we wanted a small car with automatic drive. After checking around, he found his best option was from an off base Germany company. His options were either a “smart” car (you know those really small compact cars that look like something out of science fiction) or a small Mercedes Benz. Yep, our rental car is a brand spanking new Mercedes (only had 16 miles on it).
On Saturday we drove to the AF base for a little shopping and to try to find our way around. I got some YARN! The Arts & Craft shop only had some cotton yarn but at least its yarn.
Saturday evening I drove us over to the AF Base Enlisted club. We had dinner (very expensive hamburgers) and played the slots. The slot machines were very much like the ones at the casino, but they only have a couple dozen machines. I stopped playing when I was $20 ahead. Tom played awhile longer, and he broke even. Now for the good part, I drove the Mercedes back to the hotel in the dark. It wasn’t too bad. The worst part is not knowing the roads or even be sure of the way back to the hotel. We made it in one piece and no damage to the rental car.
Today we were going to drive around and look at houses, but after looking at the list, we decided we need to make some phone calls first. So Tom will try to make the calls tomorrow from work (with someone who speaks German standing by).
Missy called last night, she’s got a buyer for Tom’s old Dodge truck. She got the asking price.
Need to close for now, as I can hear my knitting calling me.