Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back from SC

The Friday night meet and greet was interesting.  It was nice to talk to some of the "girls" that I had been in contact recently.

On Saturday Missy, Harvey and I went into Charleston and did a bus tour.  After lunch it was just too hot and we were just too tired to do more.  Danielle had elected not to join us on our trip into Charleston, maybe she had the right idea.

On Satuday night we were late to my 45th High School reunion because Harvey decided to wake up and cry just as we were leaving.  We didn't want to leave Danielle with a crying baby so we stayed another 45 minutes.  Once we got to the reunion it went very well.  I met up with quite a few of my classmates that actually remembered me.  It was nice to talk and catch up on what's happened in their lives.

One downer was finding out how many of our classmates have passed away.  This included one boy that I remember very well.  He was one of the guys that actually talked to me and I'll admit I had a little crush on him.  It never came to anything, but I had always rememebered him.

On Sunday we drove back to JAX.  The trip is less than 5 hours, but that's a long time in a car seat for a 7 month old baby, so we stopped once to give Harvey a break.

Got home around 1pm and immediately had to go to the store, as I didn't have anything for dinner or for breakfast tomorrow.

After getting back from the store, I had a little panic attack.  I couldn't find my itouch.  I emptied my suitcase, my camera bag and my purse.  Couldn't find it.  Finely I looked in the makeup bag.  Not sure how it got in there, but there it was.  I was relieved to find it.

Now for a quite couple days.