Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm going to work for the Army

I got the official job offer yesterday, of course I accepted. My current supervisor agreed to a release date of 8 Nov. So I start to work for the Army on 9 Nov. Now I need to get my assignments ready for turnover to another staffer. Problem? Yes, no one wants to take on my assignments as the organization is very busy with high turnover rates, and special requirements. No matter, I'm leaving the decision to someone else. I'm just going to get the folders ready and moving email traffic on problems to the share drive.

Also I had snow tires put on my MX5. Doesn't that sound weird? A miata convertible (with retractable hard top) with snow tires? Snow... Miata????

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Job Update

As my friends and Family know, I've worked for the US Air Force for the last 10 years. Since moving to Germany I've considered transfering to work for US Army. When we first got here, I had to take the job that was offered. It wasn't in an area I really wanted to work. Staffing isn't an area I wanted to go back to, but you take what you can get.
So when the chance came in Sept to apply for a job with the Army that is more in line with my career goals, I jumped at it. I interviewed yesterday for two jobs with the Army. I got a call this morning from the selecting official. He made a "tentative" job offer. Tentative because only the Personnel Office can make the official offer.
Unless something strange happens, I'm changing from Air Force to Army within the next few weeks. YEAH!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cologne Road Trip part 2

Because it was raining and damp we thought Baby J might need to have a hat on. Baby J on the other hand didn't much care for the hat! I put lots of photos of the road trip to Cologne on my Flickr site.