Saturday, September 25, 2010

Photo op?

Last week while in Friedberg, I saw a few things that I found amusing.  Thought I’d share a few of them with you.  I loved the old woman knitting.  Not sure why the sheep are wearing boots.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Christmas knitting started

I've finished Trina's Christmas sweater. Can't show you as she might check my blog. Her sweater was knitted out of wool I purchased in Austria. Since moving to Germany, I've gotten hooked on knitting with "natural" yarns, wool, cotton, silk and alpaca mostly. The scarf is made with silk, sequins and beads. Beautiful yarn. The TN orange hat and shawl are knitted with alpaca and wool. Wonder who the TN orange items are for? She'll know.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Someone take Kathy's camera"

For the past year (almost) I've worked for Mr. M. He's been one of the best leaders I've ever worked for or even seen.  He leads by example.  He has a wicket sence of humor and he really knows his stuff.  And he's retiring this week.  He'll be greatly missed by all the Army HR community. 
Today he called for an "all hands meeting".  He wanted to say good bye and to give out some awards.  Of course I had my camera (the new one).  I was taking photos of the employees getting awards and then I heard "Someone take Kathy's camera".  You know how I get when I take photos!  I figured Mr. M was tired of hearing the "click".  Instead, Mr. M.'s assistant took my camera and Mr. M. called me up to the front of the room. 
I got a letter of appreciation from the Head of Army Civilian Personnel.  Not just Europe, Ms. P. is in charge of all Army HR regions.  The letter was for all the work I've done for the Army Wounded Warrior Program.  In the past 8 months, I've placed 4 Wounded Warriors into jobs here in Germany.  If you don't know about the WW Program, you should check it out.  It takes care of our wounded men and women.
So I got a suprise award and someone took my photo for a change.