Sunday, December 2, 2007

A gift for Mom

Since I know that my Mother doesn't have internet access, I can show one of her presents here.

Listen my children and you shall hear
About something that happened back many a year
Once I was young girl that did something bad
I broke a glass carriage while roughhousing with Dad.

This carriage of glass
Was a thing of beauty and class
It was mom’s pride and joy
It was I that broke it, not one of the boys

But Dad was there to take the blame
He stepped up and hung his head in shame
It was me not Dad that caused the glass to break
And for many a year my heart did break

For years and years I’ve looked and looked
I checked the stores, the internet and books
But never did I ever see
A carriage pretty enough to give to Mommy

This past week at craft show what did I see
A wagon and driver as pretty as can be
It’s not a carriage with all that class
But it’s a pretty wagon made of blown glass

Somehow I will hand carry this on a plane
And stand up and take my share of the blame
So Dad it your watching as I fly home again

Just keep me from dropping this darn thing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy SHit, I have no idea how the hell you're going to get that thing on a plane and then to VA! Good Luck