Monday, March 23, 2009

I got a job

As of 29 Mar I will no longer be on LWOP from AF. I got picked up at Ramstein AFB. This morning I went over and turned in some of my in processing documents and I start next Monday. One more week of unemployment then back to work. Actually, I'm looking forward to going back to work and we need the money.

The house in Texas is still unsold, but with me working the morgage is less of a worry.

We think we found a rental house here. It's only about 6 miles from where I'll be working. We've seen it from the outside and like it. Tomorrow we get to see the inside. If the inside is as good as the outside, we'll put in a rental agreement. As always, we might not get it. It is more expenseive than we had intended to spend, but there are more renters than houses right now and it's only going to get worst.

Take care and keep on knitting.

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