Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Let's start knitting

Last year (was it a year already?), I taught two co-workers how to knit. They’ve done very well and they’re still knitting.

Last week another co-worker asked me to teach her to knit and she knew there were others in the office that wanted to learn.

So I sent out an email to the office and ended up with 5 new students. This week we had a “mini” class on Monday with 2 students and 5 today (Wednesday). They learned to cast on and knit. We’re starting with a simple garter stitch dishcloth. They learned quickly and seemed to enjoy the lessons. I know I enjoyed the class.

Each of the “girls” had a different way of holding the needles and the yarn, some knitted very tight and other’s stitches were loose. As I told them, there’s no wrong way to knit, just knit and have fun. And we did have fun.

The hour went by so quickly and then we had to go back to work. Darn, work interferes with my knitting, but without work I couldn’t afford to buy yarn.

I’m sure I’ll have more to share on this adventure.

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