Thursday, May 31, 2012

Can't settle on what to do

I'm a knitter who seems to have lost the "knitting mojo".  I have lots of yarn and a zillion patterns not to mention the ability to get more patterns and ides from the internet (especially  For some reason I start knitting, then realize that I don't want to work on the project so I put it aside (or rip it out).  Not sure why I can't seem to settle on a project.
We are getting ready to move back to the states.  I purchased a home in Florida near two of my kids. Yes, I'm excited about this and also a little nervous. My husband and I both will be retired, we are moving to an area we've never lived before, we'll have to learn to live on a budget (now that's a dirty word).  We'll be OK, it will just take getting used to.  I've been in the habit of buying nice yarn even if I don't have a project in mind.  In the past, I've just stockpiled my stash with any yarn that caught my attention.  Guess I'll just have to use up my stash instead of purchasing more yarn. 
When I picked up some yarn earlier this morning, I figured I'd just knit a little girl sweater for my best friends granddaughter.  I've got the back started but as has happened often lately, I just don't seem to like how the pattern is turning out with the yarn I chose (from my stash). 
So as I sat there looking at the pretty pink and yellow yarn, I started thinking about all the knitting I've done in the past for my kids and grandkids. That started me thinking about how lucky I am to have such great kids.  I'm proud of each of them.  Here's a few reasons why:
Girl #1 has two kids, daughter in college and son in high school.  Last year she decided she wasn't happy with the way things were going in her marriage.  She took a big leap of faith and moved out. It took time for the dust to settle and she lost a lot of friends because of her decision. The kids spend time between the two homes and have adjusting well. I'm proud that she found the strength to go for what she knew in her heart was right.
Girl #2 has 4 kids, the oldest is 16 and the youngest is 6 months. She's amazing and I'm not sure I could handle all the things she has on her plate.  The kids are involved in various sports and events, they have to be driven to and from school daily (thank goodness for her husband and his family).  She keeps on going no matter what obstacles are thrown in her path.  I'm proud that she's got a level head on her shoulders and a heart overflowing with love.
Boy #3 is single and says he's not in any hurry to get married and he's not sure he'd even want kids. Seems that Girl #2's kids have been enough for him.  He's healthy, works hard and is well liked.  He goes his own way.  Nothing seems to bother him and he's always willing to lend a helping hand.  I'm proud that he has the ability to stand up for what he thinks is right even when others are trying to push him in another direction. 
I have a pretty good life, and I know that my knitting mojo will return soon. Until then, maybe I'll pick back up crocheting or work on my million other craft projects.  Scrap-booking might be an option.   

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