Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cables and Twist sweater

I've finished the knitting of the Cables and Twist sweater. Just need to put the buttons on. I knitted the large as I wanted this to be an over sweater, but it was too big. So I washed it in warm water. That made it smaller and it fits, but I'm not sure I like the way it fits. So this may end up being another sweater that I knitted for me and end up giving away. I'll take photos once I add the buttons (if I add buttons).

I did finish an Hat and scarf out of the alpaca yarn. LOVE them and I'll keep them for me. They turned out great, nice and soft. I'll write up the pattern and post photos soon.

Sill no offers on the house, but with the holidays I guess few people are looking to move. The bases here are upsizing, so the prospects are good to sell the house, but who knows how long that will take.

Keep on knitting.

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