The Miata is called MX5 here in Europe, so guess I’d better get used to calling it that. NAW, it’s still my Miata. In SA the Miata looked so small, but over here it’s normal size. I have been surprised at how many MX5’s I’ve seen. None my color and none with the retractable hard top. Not that I’ve been able to use it yet. Too cold for me, but I have seen some BMW’s with the top down. Not me, not yet.
We are still homeless. There are not many single houses available right now. We've found a few, but nothing that fits. Two houses had the landlord wanting to live in the basement. One house is next to a gypsy camp and housing says to stay away from that area. Another house is beautiful, large and old. Built in 1914 but remodeled in the last few years. Sounds great? Tom took one look at it and said he knew I'd never live there as it's HAUNTED. Yep they current tenants are leaving because their kids are afraid to go in the basement or to be in the house alone. Tom said that it looks like something out of "Most Haunted" TV show. So we’re still looking, but we have 3 agents now looking for us.
While writing this I got an email from Ramstein AF Personnel Office wanting me to call them. I did and I got a tentative job offer. I have to wait for the official job offer to come from Randolph AF Personnel center and with the time difference that could take days. But Ramstein wants me to start Monday 30 March. That means I’ll start getting a pay check!!!! With the house in Texas still on the market, we really need the income. I should know something more before the end of the week (I hope).
Tom would like to go to see his aunt and uncle in Frankfurt this weekend. I’d love to go, as it’s only 85 miles away, but we may need to stay around to look at houses. With me going to work, Tom’s going to have to look harder (not that I was any help at all anyway).
I’m almost out of yarn, but I’ve heard about 2 yarn shops in the nearby towns, got to go find them soon.
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