Now on to the current stuff: No knitting involved
I have to be careful what I write as family and friends read this blog. But darn it, some day’s it just doesn’t seem worth it. And yesterday was one of those days.
You get up in the morning; go to work and some days it’s like beating your head against the wall. All for nothing! I hate to complain, but I’m so very good at complaining! Recently at work it seems that I spend weeks writing up pages and pages of system requirements (too technical for you?), do all the documentations, make screenshots, not to mention all the meetings to discuss the requirement. After all the work is done the submitter decides to withdraw it. UGH. What a waste of time!
Then there’s the “non-work” part of my life. We are still planning of moving to Germany, but there are so many set backs. Tom’s got some heath issues that need to be addressed first (nothing major). Then there’s the house, cars, camper and that darn BIRD. It’s like I take one step forward and two steps back. Moving at any time is stressful, but this move seems to be moving backward.
We spent last weekend empting the attic and throwing away stuff, but it doesn’t look like we’ve done anything. Tom did get the back of the house painted and he’s working of the front. The house is three sides’ brick, so mostly it’s just painting the trim around the windows. But still it’s a lot of work and I’m not a very good painter’s helper.
We spent days’ clearing out junk from the study, only to fill it back up. How is it that you throw away stuff only to have it reappearing within hours? Does this seem wrong to anyone else? I’ve just about given up on accomplishing anything.
Ok, a little knitting info: Last week end I placed an order with Yarn Barn Kansas. When I checked the status of the order yesterday it said “On permanent hold”. Crap, is there something wrong with my credit card? Yep, panic set in quickly. I called them yesterday morning, and talk about a friendly voice on the phone. The girl who answered was able to explain that “permanent hold” actually meant that they didn’t have enough of one dye lot needed to fill my order in the color I requested. She asked if I’d like to change the color and she walked me through their web site to select a different color yarn. Talk about customer service! I was impressed. And it made things a little brighter in my corner of the world. I’ll let you know as soon as I get the yarn and if their customer service lives up to the first impression.