This is a re-post frrom a couple years ago.
When I was a toddler, my mother and I lived with her brother, Billy, and Grandma Cora. Uncle Billy had survived WWII in Europe. He was stationed at Fort Story, Virginia Beach. I have vague memories, not sure if they are real memories, or if Mom told me.
I have Uncle Billy’s Purple Heart and awards from WWII. I have the original telegram informing Grandma that he had been killed in action in Korea. The box of photos also included Uncle Billy’s last letter home. He was killed within days of arrival in Korea. Just writing that makes me sad.
I’ve often wondered how different my life would be if Uncle Billy hadn’t gone to Korea. I know Mom wouldn’t have gone back to my father (he was a drunk), but then I wouldn’t have my brothers. After years of living with my father, Mom finely had enough and left him for good.

Dad spent over 20 years in the US Navy. He worked a second job to ensure his kids had everything we ever needed. When Dad died a few years ago, I found out how many people knew and loved Dad.
When going through his stuff, I found Dad’s military documents. He lied to get into the Navy during the end of WWII. He spent time on the LOWA in the Pacific.
On this Memorial Day, remember all who have served. Today is a day to remember those that gave their life for their country, remember the vets that came back and made this country better.