We left our beautiful home in Schertz empty; hoping it will sell before we go broke paying the mortgage, paying the yard guy and the pool guy. I’m lucky that we can afford to do this for awhile, but for how long? We’ve had lots of lookers but no offers. I know it’s been in the 80’s in Schertz the last few days, so maybe a pool will look more enticing.
I went over to the local AF personnel office. I had expected that since I’m a current AF employee (soon to be on LWOP) and have family member preference, that I would have received some kind of assistance from them. The only thing I got was two German clerks that looked at me like I was nuts when I asked about signing up on their local priority list. They just said they didn’t have one and turned away. I explained that this was a list they needed to clear before advertising jobs. I got the deer in the headlight look. One clerk went away to talk to a specialist, but when she came back she just told me to apply for jobs on line. I have already done that. Maybe leaving my “GREAT” job with AF Unique’s wasn’t such a good idea.
It’s still cold here, but no snow lately. Even when we had snow, it melted the next day. So I guess that’s a good thing. I want to go around (walking) and take photos, but so far I just haven’t wanted to brave the cold with my cameras.
We took the Germany Driving test yesterday and passed (I just barely passed). I just went blank during the test and couldn’t remember anything I had studied. Because Tom hasn’t received his official local CAC card, we couldn’t get the actual license, but at least the test is over. Hopefully Tom will get the card today or tomorrow so we can pick up the licenses. The problem is you can’t rent a car without the license and we can’t look for a house without a car.
I did finely figure out how to use the German Washer and Dryer (I think). I copied the words on the machines, went on line and found a German to English translator and typed in the words. Not all words were exact translations, but I was able to figure it out (maybe). I’m doing a load of clothes now, and I’ll find out how good my guessing was.
Our landlord has a bakery downstairs and I just went down and got a cup of Earl Grey tea and two of the flakiest pastries I’ve ever had. Of course I had chocolate! Did you need to ask?
We also have cable TV. 600 channels of nothing, well not quite nothing. We have British TV channels and I’ve been able to watch some of the shows I had enjoyed in England. Most of the channels are Germany (who would have guessed that), but some are in Russian, Indian, Arabic and some languages I can’t identify. No HGTV, No DIY, No history channel, what’s this country thinking?
When/If we get into a house, we’ll get American Armed Forces TV and that will have a few of the shows we are used to (I hope).
Who would have thought I’d be bored? I’m not used to staying home and I miss my family and friends.
And the worst thing is: I’M OUT OF YARN!!!!! I CAN’T KNIT!!!!
No wonder I’m falling into a deep depression. OK, the yarn thing is true and I’m having knitting withdrawals, but I’m not depressed.
I have been working on some designs, but it’s not the same as knitting them.
So that’s my latest update from Germany. Take care and keep in touch.
I have been working on some designs, but it’s not the same as knitting them.
So that’s my latest update from Germany. Take care and keep in touch.