I know I've been missing in action this last week, but I have excuses (not
reasons, mind you, just excuses). We have been really busy with the house. No sale yet, but it's looking better than it was. The house is being showed.
On the knitting front: I've been working
on the Cable and Twist cardigan. So far I love the yarn and the pattern (sort of). I though the top of the cardigan front was too busy, so I eliminated the middle cable and just used the twist. I like that a lot. I may rip out the back down to where the additional cables started and "do over". So far I've used almost 4 balls of yarn in the back, left front and about 1/4 of the right front. I have 3 more balls left, I expect
that will be enough for the sleeves. Hope it
stretches to cover the button hole band and collar. It
should, but who knows.
Another "prize" student finished her hat. Our pattern called for casting on
circluar needles and knitting in the round double rib (k2 p2) for 5 inches then changing to stocking stitch for 3 more inches. Then switching to double pointed needles and decreasing on every other round until there are 7 stitches between the decrease stitches. Then decreasing on every round. Not hard, but for a fairly inexperienced knitter, she did a fantastic job.

The photos make the hat look orange, but it's really RED. "C" did a great job, just look and her decrease top. Nice and even stitches and she's already talking about knitting another one.