Well 2009 is over and we're starting a new year. The past year has been a busy one for us. Tom accepted a job in Germany; packed up and moved to Germany; shipped two cars and sold the house.
In the past year I've worked for 6 months in the Air Force Personnel Office and recently transfered to a position with the Army Regional Personnel Agency. Lots of changes in less than a year.
I've knitted lots of items and traveled in Europe, including Paris.

Last night we went to Tom's supervisors home for a little while (we both have colds and didn't feel much like partying). While we were there, Tom met a German who had been part of the Africa Corp and part of Rommel's army. He became a POW and spent time in the US waiting for the end of the war.
When we got home the entire neighbor hood was busy setting up for fireworks. Over here it's legal to set off your own fireworks in your yard. We had lots of fireworks going off at Midnight.
photos here