I'm hooked on Pinterest. They have the neatest of stuff. If you haven't been there yet, check it out:
It seems that if I'm not knitting I'm on Pinterest checking out their knitting pins. Since our house hold goods are on the way Stateside. There's not much I can do except knit and surf the web.
I've discovered that living without much furniture can be done.
I still have some of my knitting stuff.
I'll put, most of that in my checked luggage.
The baby blanket I'm knitting I'll carry on the plane. So far when I traveled
between US and Germany I haven't had any trouble with my knitting needles.
I travel with wooden circular needles.
Hope that my luck holds out as I'll be
changing planes in Pennsylvania instead of DC as I usually do.
The schedule is for me to leave Germany around 2pm (Germany time) on
I should be in FL around 8pm
(East coast time).
I'm excited about
leaving Germany and a little sad as Tom will have to stay another 2 1/2
The time should go by fast for
me as I'll be getting the house hold furniture delivered and trying to find a
place for all the stuff we have.
As for the knitting/craft room, I've got that figured out (I
The room identified as Office
space by the sellers, I'm going to use for "Knitone Studio". That's
most likely the first room I'll work on.