Tom’s mother was German. When Tom was about 6 his mother married an American. At 8 years old, Tom came to the states. Two of his mother’s sisters also married Americans and moved stateside.
Tom’s mother didn’t speak German to Tom, so he spoke only English (American?). Tom became an American citizen in 1976.
After Tom’s mother’s death in July 2008, Tom decided he wanted to work in Germany and get to know his German Aunt and Uncle. They are the only relatives left. Tom’s Aunt Micky speaks perfect English. Her husband, Helmut, speaks good English. His family (three brothers) are very nice and they speak a little English.
Sometimes it’s challenging trying to keep up with the conversations, but the Germans all try to make sure I’m included. Tom understands more German than he speaks.
So… I hope I’ve clarified the family situations, or did I make it worst?