the way you live, the work you do
but I can very plainly see
exactly what is wrong with me.
It isn’t that I’m indolent,
or dodging duty by intent.
I work as hard as anyone
yet I get so little done.
The morning goes, noon is here
Before I know the night is near
And all around me I regret
Are things I haven’t finished yet.
If I could only get organized
I often time have realized
Not all that matters is the man
The man must also have a plan.
With you there may be nothing wrong
But here’s my trouble right along
I do the things that don’t amount
To very much of any account.
They really seemed important though
And I let a lot of other matters go
I nibble this, I nibble that
But never finish what I’m at.
I work as hard as any one
And yet I get so little done
I’d do so much, you’d be surprised
If I could just get organized.
Note: Two hours into the "great craft room clean up". Do you see the mess? It's worst than before I started cleaning. Two hours, three trash bags, two good will bags filled and who knows how many tubs of yarn. Hey, I did manage to get the closet cleaned. Maybe tomorrow I'll fill it back up again.
keep on knitting!
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